
This website of Mega Stoffen V.O.F., is made with the utmost care. It is however possible that at any time not all information on it is correct and or complete. The content of the website has an informative character and no rights can be derived from it by user/buyer/customer. Among others tariff information is herein included. Exception to this are the general terms of sale of Mega Stoffen V.O.F. which are valid for all quotations, transactions an use of this website. Among other things Mega Stoffen V.O.F. reserves the right to make improvements and or adjustments to her website. Mega Stoffen V.O.F. accepts no liability for possible damages as a result of the use of this website and or use of the information posted on it. Exception to it if there is provable guilt because of gross negligence by Mega Stoffen V.O.F.. Mega Stoffen V.O.F. cannot vouch for the circumstance that any information on this website doesn't served the purpose for which the information is consulted. Without the express written permission of Mega Stoffen V.O.F. it is not allowed to reproduce and or publish any graphical and or textual display of this website. It is also not allowed to store it in a database. This in any manner whatsoever. Mega Stoffen V.O.F. doesn't hold itself liable for any misuse by third parties of copyrighted material. Expressly subject to all rights of Mega Stoffen V.O.F..